
At Christ Community, we take the Great Commission seriously.

We believe it’s important to take the Gospel next door, to the inner city, throughout the nation and around the world. Missionaries we help to support are establishing churches, translating the Bible, and flying missionaries into areas that roads won’t reach.

Our missionaries conduct radio ministries in Muslim countries, counsel women about alternatives to abortion, and minister to college students on campus. Some even work in ministries we can’t even mention on this site because it would invite persecution from the government in the countries where they minister.

We pray for these missionaries and support them financially – because at CCBC, we want to obey our Lord’s command to make disciples at home and throughout our world.

Missions– Image 1 of 19

CCBC’s local-to-global outreach


Sergio And Miriam Ramirez

Camino Global in Spain


Sergio and Miriam Ramires work in evangelism, church planting, teaching, discipleship and
consolidation in Santander, Spain. Also, they work in evangelism and pre-church planting in
Reinosa, at 70 kms from Santander. At this time Sergio teaches four virtual 45 minutes Bible
classes each week and personally disciples 8 people, plus preaching and teaching at some of
the church's meetings. Miriam overviews the SS ministry, ladies ministry and personally
disciples 4 young women. She also helps with the administration of our church in Santander. At
the end of last year our church gave away 900 evangelistic calendars and we anticipate
baptizing 4 disciples by the summer in the will of God. Finally, we are praying and giving to be
able to buy our meeting place by 2025.

Glenn And Judy Stewart

Camino Global in Guatemala


The Stewarts served 15 years with South American Mission in Bolivia, where Glen did aviation mechanics support. Today they serve a “Barnabas ministry” as Pastoral Care Coordinators for Camino Global families in Guatemala.


Nabeeh And Ruba Abbassi

Church planters in Jordan


Nabeeh and Ruba Abbassi have been church planters in Jordan for 28 years. Nabeeh is the
pastor of a local church and is the General Director of the Arab Center for Consulting and
Training Services (ACCTS). He preaches regularly at his local church and provides support and
biblical encouragement for Arab youth through his role at ACCTS. Nabeeh is also president of
the Jordan Baptist Convention, where he serves by leading and supporting Baptist churches
and entities in Jordan. Ruba Abbassi is the founder of Arab Woman Today, a ministry in Jordan.
Arab Woman Today provides training and equipment for women across the Arab world, whether
in the community or the church.